Branding Basics: The anatomy of a well-designed brand identity

The anatomy of well-designed brand identity

A great brand identity is more than just a pretty logo and color palette. You need to add some personality with the right texture, illustration, photography, etc. 

Below I will discuss the main elements that create a powerful and authentic brand identity.

Ok, let’s start with… 


Your logo should be distinctive and memorable, but it doesn’t need to tell your whole business story. The main function of a logo is to help people to recognize your business. 

logo design- sommerful


It’s extremely important to choose a color palette with intention. Colors impact how your customer feels about your brand. There is a reason why Mcdonald’s logo is yellow and red. These colors grab attention, increase appetite, and makes people feel excited.

For example, if you want to communicate harmony and balance, you might choose green or blue color. 

Brand anotomy-colors-sommerful


Typography is an extension of your tone of voice. It enhances your brand personality and values. Inappropriate choice of typography can look unprofessional or even send a wrong message about your brand, fx too childish, too cold...



Thoughtfully crafted illustrations can add interest and personality to your branding. They can be used on social media or websites to make your message more powerful.



A brand pattern adds that extra special touch to your branding and helps you to stand out from others in your niche. It can be used for Social Media, newsletters, website design, packaging, etc. 

Brand anatomy-brand pattern-sommerful


Brand photography represents your business visually. It should fit with your whole visual identity through the use of colors, tone, setting, and more. On-brand photos increase your brand consistency which builds trust. Customer trust means more sales.


So now we can see that your brand identity is more than just a logo - it’s a sum of different visual elements that helps to create a cohesive image of your brand. 

the anatomy of well designed brand

Ready to uplevel your business with intentional branding? Book a free call to discuss your goals and how we can work together, so you could grow your business with confidence!


Hi, I am Simona!

Welcome to my blog! Here I am sharing all things about design, branding, and business. My mission is to help you to transform your business with intentional brand design.

Spread your wings and fly with your unique brand that you’ve always dreamed of.

With love,


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